Do you ever know the background to who you are?

What is your name, nationality?

Are you young, middle aged, old?

... a mother, father, grandparent, brother, sister, wife, husband?

... a thinker or a doer - or both?

... self-focused?

... unselfish?

... employed, work from home, retired?

... a driver, pilot, teacher, trainer, student, mechanic, engineer, artist, writer?

... outgoing, shy, clever, creative, passionate, a dreamer, funny, kind, sporty, trendy, lazy, energetic, attractive, not attractive, confident, loyal, friendly, successful?

... emotional, intellectual, spiritual?

... and so much more - hidden from view in our unconscious.

The totality of our self is constantly changing. 

Thoughts passing through our mind, feelings - even every cell of our physical body is constantly changing and being replaced.

But is there something about you that is 'behind' all this - that observes it all?

Is there an unchanging background?


There is.

But what IS it?

We do not know.

But it is there - in the background.

From this 'background' we observe what happens in the foreground of our conscious mind, in our body and in the external world. 

This combination of the ever-changing foreground of the body/mind/world - and the never changing background - is the totality of the self that we know.

The foreground is temporary.

The background - well, the truth is, we do not know - but it may be that the 'background' is like a gateway or connection point to the truth of who we truly and eternally are.
