We each travel our own unique journey in life.
There is our 'outer' life of the self - living and doing in the world - which is inseparable from our 'inner' life of thoughts and feelings. And there is also another aspect of our inner life - the deeper 'spiritual' dimension.

The Inner Journey is often referred to as spiritual awakening, but it is actually a process of self understanding and the gradual revelation of deeper realities of which we had previously been unaware.

Whichever path or paths we follow, on the Inner Journey, questions always come - and we all need ways to find answers.

In summary this is what One-to-One sessions provide: 
  • Understanding of the process of awakening.
  • Insight into experiences.
  • Guidance to help us travel safely on our way.
Everything offered has been drawn from my 40+ years of travelling my own journey, and from speaking with and helping many others on theirs, and from exploring the teachings of the most revered and respected of the great mystics and spiritual teachers in history.

One-to-One sessions look at both the outer and the inner because they are intimately interrelated.

What we all find is that with greater understanding comes more inner peace, happiness and sense of purpose - and this unfolds in our outer life, where we find that conflicts and difficulties come to resolutions more easily - and we increasingly feel we are flowing creatively with all of life.

In-person meetings are preferable but they can also be online. Occasionally just one meeting can provide all that is needed or wanted, however it is usual and often most beneficial that they happen on a regular basis, sometimes weekly, especially to begin with. With regard to a fee, firstly I wish to make clear that I do not take anything for myself, donating whatever is received, and secondly, I ask only for what is comfortably affordable and feels right to you. I usually suggest that you decide after the first meeting what you feel is the right amount to contribute.

Please use the form on this page to ask any questions.

Here are a few things people have said about their One-to-One experience: What Others Have Said
