The nature of the mind is constant motion - but by stepping into the background - becoming aware of mind activity - we can find freedom from the turmoil - and this is the doorway to peace.
The more aware of the activity of mind, the less immersed in it, the more the mind slows down.
- Thoughts are like energy bubbles that pop up out of the unconscious start by seeing them for what they are.
- Stop jumping into all the thought-bubbles - most are ego-based, narrow and self-serving.
- Stop chasing more knowledge - the light of wisdom is blocked out by a total belief in the importance of knowledge.
- Surrender to not needing to know - through this we find freedom from obsessive mind activity.
- Relax and drop deeper into the background behind thinking - this is where peace lies.
The mind is like a cauldren of ever-bubbling energies - but you are not just the mind.