Thoughts and feelings act like magnets for our attention.

When a thought or feeling arises into our conscious awareness, our attention is instantly drawn towards it. 

It's as if thoughts and feelings have a powerful magnetic energy in them.

And just as magnets have two poles, so do thoughts and feelings.

Difficult or painful thoughts and feelings have a downward energy.

Happy and joyful thoughts and feelings have an upward energy.

If we become overpowered by the energy of downward thoughts and feelings, depression can easily result.

Depression can seem like being lost in the darkness of a dense fog.

And whilst in this mental state there's no apparent way through, out or beyond.

The fog possesses, engulfs, overwhelms - drains our positive energy - and in the darkness our thoughts and feelings can spiral into confusion, hopelessness and fear.

This inner experience is common - it can be short-lived, it may come and go, or last for years.

Whatever the cause or duration, it is only in our mind that it lives.

And we do have control over our mind - even if it seems like we do not.

So, what to do?

It is simple - but incredibly difficult to do...

We must move attention away from all thoughts and feelings that are downward, obsessive or related to the depression.

We must train ourselves to do this as soon as we recognise the depressive thoughts and feelings in our conscious awareness. 

There is a practice that can be learned which will help - it is not a quick fix - and it requires commitment and perseverance - but it will work if we practice it enough - and eventually becomes automatic.

The practice is explained in a spoken contemplation you can listen to by clicking here.
