Some say there is no (spiritual) journey because there's nowhere to go - we are already there.

What does this mean?

Let's take a quick look...

Essentially what is being suggested is along the lines of Mahayana Buddhist teachings of "You are already enlightened" or how sages have said things like "I Am That" (Sri Nisargadatta), or “You are already That.” (Ramana Maharshi).

When viewed from the mountaintop, this is apparently how it is seen! 

The problem arises when the mind hears this and comes to think it is therefore possible to levitate from the foothills to the summit, or that it already has!

This kind of wrong belief has its roots in the ego-mind itself. It comes about when something is believed without there having been direct experiential realisation. This can happen if a teaching 'feels true', or more subtly, when a dramatic expansion of consciousness has occurred.

Mystical revelations on the Inner Journey are usual - they are part of how awakening progresses. But when a really profound expansion of consciousness occurs, it is like an overload, and all the mind can do is form ideas, concepts and beliefs around its new perception.

There is nothing unusual about this - it is what the mind must do to try to make sense of what has been revealed to it. In fact it is literally all the mind can do. 

But the ego aspect of mind is still there! And it automatically assumes this acquired expanded knowledge and attaches importance and specialness to it's new possession.

In some people there arises a feeling of wanting to help others to know the same freedoms that come along with the new understanding. This is wonderful and well-intentioned, but the ego will also get into the attention and position of authority that can follow.

All this is absolutely in the way of further and deeper realisation. 

Therefore, if it is believed that there is 'no journey', one might question if, before coming to 'know' this, was there seeking, searching to find deeper understanding? And, is everything there is to know now known? 

...or might there be more to discover?
